
The Media Portrayals of Minorities Project has generated scholarship that has been published in a range of venues. Our earliest publications drew largely on a human-coded database of article headlines. More recent work builds on computer-assisted methods of data analysis.

Covering Muslims: American Newspapers in Comparative Perspective, Erik Bleich and A. Maurits van der Veen, Oxford University Press, 2022. Winner of the International Studies Association Best Book Award from the International Communications Section

Critical Dialogue - Covering Muslims: American Newspapers in Comparative Perspective and The Struggle for Inclusion: Muslim Minorities and the Democratic Ethos,” A. Maurits van der Veen, Erik Bleich, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, and Paul Sniderman, Perspectives on Politics, 20, 4, 2022: 1403-07

Chronic Frames of Social Inequality: How Mainstream Media Frame Race, Gender, and Wealth Inequality,” Sora Jun, Rosalind Chow, A. Maurits van der Veen, and Erik Bleich, PNAS, 119, 21, 2022

Assessing the Effect of Media Tone on Attitudes toward Muslims: Evidence from an Online Experiment,” Erik Bleich, Jeffrey Carpenter, and A. Maurits van der Veen, Politics and Religion, 15, 3, 2022: 441-61

Looking in the Mirror: US and French Coverage of Black Lives Matter in France,” Erik Bleich, Amelia Pollard, and A. Maurits van der Veen, International Journal of Press/Politics,, 2022

Un miroir tendu par les Etats-Unis’: La couverture journalistique de Black Lives Matter en France,” Erik Bleich, Questions de communication, 41, 1, 2022: 31-48

What Did 9/11 Mean for US Media Coverage of Muslims and Islam?,” A. Maurits van der Veen and Erik Bleich, Brown Journal of World Affairs, Fall/Winter, 2021: 164-178

Atheism in US and UK Newspapers: Negativity about Non-Belief and Non-Believers,” A. Maurits van der Veen and Erik Bleich, Religions, 12, 5, 2021: 291-310

Media Portrayals of Muslims: A Comparative Sentiment Analysis of American Newspapers, 1996–2015,” Erik Bleich and A. Maurits van der Veen, Politics, Groups, and Identities, 9, 1, 2021: 20-39

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Corpus Linguistics Analysis of US Newspaper Coverage of Latinx, 1996–2016,” Erik Bleich, James P Callison, Georgia Grace Edwards, Mia Fichman, Erin Hoynes, Razan Jabari, and A. Maurits van der Veen, Journalism,

Afro-Pessimist or Africa Rising? US Newspaper Coverage of Africa, 1994-2018,” Erik Bleich, Mira Chugh, Adrienne Goldstein, Amelia Pollard, Varsha Vijayakumar, and A. Maurits van der Veen, Journalism Studies, 21, 13, 2020: 1775-94

Group Status, Geographic Location, and the Tone of Media Coverage: Jews and Muslims in New York Times and Guardian Headlines, 1985–2014,” Hasher Nisar and Erik Bleich, Comparative Migration Studies, 8, 3, 2020: 1-18

Media Coverage of Muslim Devotion: A Four-Country Analysis of Newspaper Articles, 1996–2016,” Erik Bleich, Julien Souffrant, Emily Stabler, and A. Maurits van der Veen, Religions, 9, 8, 2018: 247-61

Investigating Status Hierarchies with Media Analysis: Muslims, Jews, and Catholics in The New York Times and The Guardian Headlines, 1985-2014,” Erik Bleich, Hasher Nisar, and Cara Vazquez, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 59, 3, 2018: 239-57

The Effect of Terrorist Events on Media Portrayals of Islam and Muslims: Evidence from New York Times Headlines, 1985-2013,” Erik Bleich, Hasher Nisar, and Rana Abdelhamid, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39, 7, 2016: 1109-27

Introduction: Migrants, Minorities, and the Media: Information, Representations, and Participation in the Public Sphere,” Erik Bleich, Irene Bloemraad, and Els de Graauw, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41, 6, 2015: 857-73

Media Portrayals of Minorities: Muslims in British Newspaper Headlines, 2001-2012,” Erik Bleich, Hannah Stonebraker, Hasher Nisar, and Rana Abdelhamid, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41, 6, 2015: 942-62

Media Contributions

How do newspapers cover racial and religious minorities? Here’s the data.” Joshua Tucker, Washington Post/Monkey Cage, October 2, 2020

How the Media Shapes What We Think About Religious Groups” Erik Bleich, Interfaith Radio, September 13, 2019

Sure, a lot of newspaper coverage of Latinos is negative — but not when it comes to cultural achievements” Erik Bleich & A. Maurits van der Veen, Washington Post/Monkey Cage, January 23, 2019

Newspaper coverage of Muslims is negative. And it’s not because of terrorism.” Erik Bleich & A. Maurits van der Veen, Washington Post/Monkey Cage, December 20, 2018

Most news coverage of Muslims is negative. But not when it’s about devotion.” Erik Bleich, Julien Souffrant, Emily Stabler & A. Maurits van der Veen, Washington Post/Monkey Cage, October 17, 2018

The Media, Marches, and Muslims,” Erik Bleich, Vermont Public Radio Commentary, February 6, 2017